Images all the way.ViSCO Technologies Corporation

Images all the way.ViSCO Technologies Corporation

Support / Inquiries

End of Sales (EOS) and End of Life (EOL) Notices

End of Sales (EOS)
and End of Life (EOL) Notices

Machine Vision System VTV-9000 Series

End of Sales (EOS)/ End of Life (EOL) of VTV-9000 Series are as follows.

Product Name Model No. End of Sales Date Notification End of Maintenance Date Notification Substitute Model
VTV-9000ST V9KS*P*7-*** Ended (196kb) October 31,2025 - VTV-9000ST
VTV-9000ST V9KS***5-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000ST
VTV-9000ST V9KS***4-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000ST
VTV-9000ST V9KS***1-** Ended (64kb) Ended (59kb) VTV-9000ST
VTV-9000ST V9KS***0-** Ended - Ended (63kb) VTV-9000ST
VTV-9000ST V9KSDH*3-*** Ended (72kb) Ended (207kb) -
VTV-9000N V9KN***1-** Ended (69kb) Ended (68kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000N V9KN***0-** Ended - Ended (63kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000V (All Models) V9KV***0-***
Ended - Ended (43kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000miniR V9K*DPL2-2MV June 13, 2025 (157kb) June 30, 2030 - VTV-9000miniR
VTV-9000miniR V9KRDPL1-2** Ended (617kb) Ended (182kb) VTV-9000miniR
VTV-9000mini V9K*DPL7-4MV June 13, 2025 (157kb) June 30, 2030 - VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000mini V9KMDNL6-4** Ended (393kb) Ended (234kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000mini V9KMDPL3-4** Ended (71kb) Ended (176kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000mini V9KMDNL2-4 Ended (71kb) Ended (176kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000mini V9KMD**1-** Ended - Ended (81kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000mini V9KMD**0-** Ended - Ended (81kb) VTV-9000mini
VTV-9000C V9KCEPL2-4** Ended (108kb) June 30, 2027 - VTV-9000C
VTV-9000C V9KCESL1-4** Ended (87kb) Ended (246kb) VTV-9000C
VTV-9000C V9KCESL0-4** Ended - Ended (43kb) VTV-9000C
VTV-9000U V9KUEPL2-1**
Ended (84kb) January 31,2029 - VTV-9000U
VTV-9000U V9KUEPL1-1** Ended - Ended (63kb) VTV-9000U

※You can scroll to the side.

Machine Vision System VTV-8000 Series

End of Sales (EOS)/ End of Life (EOL) of VTV-8000 Series are as follows.

Product Name Model No. End of Sales Date Notification End of Maintenance Date Notification Substitute Model*1
VTV-8000 Series (All Models) - Ended (208kb) Ended (39kb) VTV-9000 Series
VTV-8000 V8KB***0-** Ended - Ended (68kb) VTV-9000 Series
VTV-8000ST V8KS***0-** Ended (64kb) Ended (68kb) VTV-9000 Series
VTV-8000N - Ended - Ended (68kb) VTV-9000 Series

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Other Machine Vision Systems

End of Sales (EOS)/ End of Life (EOL) of Other Machine Vision Systems are as follows.

Product Name Model No. End of Sales Date Notification End of Maintenance Date Notification Substitute Model*1
VPSeries V9KS***5-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000 Series
FAPEXSeries (All Models) V9KS***4-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000 Series
KV7100 Series (All Models) V9KS***1-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000 Series
PFSeries (All Models) V9KS***0-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000 Series
FXSeriesFX-I, FX-II V9KN***1-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000 Series
EZ-VI V9KN***0-** Ended - Ended - VTV-9000 Series
EZ-VIB V9KV***0-***
Ended - Ended (36kb) VTV-9000 Series

*1Substitute that maintains function compatibility.

※You can scroll to the side.

Lighting Controller, Flash Light Controller

End of Sales (EOS)/ End of Life (EOL) of Lighting Controller and Flash Light Controller are as follows.

Product Name Model No. End of Sales Date Notification End of Maintenance Date Notification Substitute Model
Flash Light Controller VTVFCV-1248-00 Ended (74kb) Ended (191kb) VTVFCV-1248-**
Flash Light Controller VTVFC-V-04-01 Ended (140kb) - - -
Lighting Controller VTVLC-V-04-01 Ended (103kb) Ended - VTVLCV-0412-**

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End of Sales (EOS)/ End of Life (EOL) of Camera are as follows.

Product Name Model No. End of Sales Date Notification End of Maintenance Date Notification Substitute Model
VT Digital
2900M Monochrome
VTC-29MCM00-NV Ended - Ended (227kb) -
VT Digital
1600M Monochrome/Color
Ended - Ended - -
VT Digital
800M Monochrome
Ended (121kb) Ended (227kb) -
VT Digital
500M Monochrome/Color
Ended (62kb) Ended (224kb) VTC-D050M0A-SE
VT Digital
500M Monochrome/Color
Ended (65kb) Ended - VTC-R050M00-SE
VT Digital
500M Monochrome/Color
Ended (57kb) Ended - VTC-D050M0A-SE
VT Digital
200M Monochrome/Color
Ended - Ended - VTC-200PM01-SE
VT Digital
200M Monochrome
VTC-200PM00-CI Ended (71kb) Ended - VTC-200PM00-VI
VT Digital
30M Monochrome
VTC-030PM01-SE Ended (109kb) September 30, 2026 - VTC-D016M0A-SE
VT Digital
30M Color
VTC-030PC01-SE Ended (109kb) September 30, 2026 - VTC-D016C0A-SE
VT Digital
2900M Super Focusing Camera Monochrome
VTC-29MCM****N Ended - Ended (227kb) -
VT Digital
800M Super Focusing Camera Monochrome
VTC-800CM4010N Ended (122kb) Ended (227kb) -
VT Digital
500M Super Focusing Camera Monochrome/Color
VTC-500CM N-series
VTC-500CC N-series
Ended - Ended (257kb) VTC-D050C0 S-series
VT Digital E
500M Monochrome
VTC-500EM10-SE Ended (65kb) Ended (219kb) VTC-E050M00-SE
VT Digital E
500M Monochrome
VTC-E050M00-SE Ended (142kb) November 30, 2029 - VTC-E050M00-SN
VT Digital E
500M Color
VTC-500EC10-SE Ended (142kb) November 30, 2029 - VTC-E050C00-SN
VT Digital E
200M Monochrome
Ended (142kb) November 30, 2029 - VTC-E030M00-SN
VT Digital E
200M Color
Ended (142kb) November 30, 2029 - VTC-E030C00-SN
VT Digital E
160M Color
VTC-E016C00-SE Ended (142kb) November 30, 2029 - VTC-E016C00-SN
VT Digital E
80M Monochrome
VTC-080EM00-SE Ended (142kb) November 30, 2029 - VTC-E016M00-SN
VT Digital E
30M Monochrome
VTC-030EM10-SE Ended (109kb) September 30, 2026 - VTC-E016M00-SE
VT Digital
30M Color
VTC-030EC10-SE Ended (109kb) September 30, 2026 - VTC-E016C00-SE

※You can scroll to the side.

Other Equipment

End of Sales (EOS)/ End of Life (EOL) of Other Equipment are as follows.

Product Name Model No. End of Sales Date Notification End of Maintenance Date Notification Substitute Model
Telecentric Lens 0.4x VL-T040C-0 Ended - Ended - -
Telecentric Lens 0.5x VL-T050C-0 Ended - Ended - -
Coaxial LED Adapter LA0-CS4116 Ended - Ended (172kb) LA1-CS4116HR0W

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Introduction to our company

As an expert group in the field of visual inspections and image processing inspections, we provide products that continue to lead the industry.

We are an expert group in the field of visual inspections and image processing inspections. We are not just a manufacturer. Instead, we are a visual inspection and image processing inspection system manufacturer that combines knowledge of and experience related to image processing algorithms, optical technology, electronics, and machinery in order to provide comprehensive consulting as a development engineering company.

Inquiries / Support
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns related to our various products.
Contact us by phone
(direct line to sales dept.)
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InquiriesYou can send inquiries to us here
Support HotlineYou can send technical inquiries to us here

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